What is lumpable Markov chain?
Markov chains in which states can be lumped together without losing the basic marker properties are called lampable Markov chain.an example of such a process would be to use three state Markov chain for content of reserve with states initially and then the state-space identifying a different level within each state.
if the definitions is modified to say that the resulting change should be markovian for a list one initial state probability weighted we say that Markov chain is weekly lampable.another approach is to start out with an elaborate model the lamp the states when the identification of the some states are not necessary any further.
using biological terminology consider a situation in which each organism of one generation produces a random number of offspring to form the text generation.given the probability distribution of the number of a string produced by an organism one is interested in characteristics such as the distribution of the side of populations for a different generations the probability of action of the population.classical example relates to the survival of family names the verbal flow of informations can be modelled as branching process.