Black Scholes Option Valuation
Calculation Black Scholes option python
Loading required package: timeDate
Loading required package: timeSeries
Loading required package: fBasics
> GBSOption(TypeFlag = "c", S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1/2, r = 0.05, b =0.05, sigma = 0.3)
Black Scholes Option Valuation
GBSOption(TypeFlag = "c", S = 100, X = 100, Time = 1/2, r = 0.05,
b = 0.05, sigma = 0.3)
TypeFlag c
S 100
X 100
Time 0.5
r 0.05
b 0.05
sigma 0.3
Option Price:
Fri Nov 06 17:01:47 2020
> GBSOption(TypeFlag = "c", S = 100, X = 120, Time = 1/2, r = 0.05, b =0.05, sigma = 0.3)
Black Scholes Option Valuation
GBSOption(TypeFlag = "c", S = 100, X = 120, Time = 1/2, r = 0.05,
b = 0.05, sigma = 0.3)
TypeFlag c
S 100
X 120
Time 0.5
r 0.05
b 0.05
sigma 0.3
Option Price:
Fri Nov 06 17:02:27 2020
> GBSOption(TypeFlag = "p", S = 100, X = 120, Time = 1/2, r = 0.05, b =0.05, sigma = 0.3)
Black Scholes Option Valuation
GBSOption(TypeFlag = "p", S = 100, X = 120, Time = 1/2, r = 0.05,
b = 0.05, sigma = 0.3)
TypeFlag p
S 100
X 120
Time 0.5
r 0.05
b 0.05
sigma 0.3
Option Price:
Fri Nov 06 17:03:19 2020
> set.seed(2014)
> Price_simulation <- function(S0, mu, sigma, rf, K, Time, dt, plots =
+ FALSE) {
+ t <- seq(0, Time, by = dt)
+ N <- length(t)
+ W <- c(0,cumsum(rnorm(N-1)))
+ S <- S0*exp((mu-sigma^2/2)*t + sigma*sqrt(dt)*W)
+ delta <- rep(0, N-1)
+ call_ <- rep(0, N-1)
+ for(i in 1:(N-1) ){
+ delta[i] <- GBSGreeks("Delta", "c", S[i], K, Time-t[i], rf, rf,
+ sigma)
+ call_[i] <- GBSOption("c", S[i], K, Time-t[i], rf, rf,
+ sigma)@price}
+ if(plots){
+, height=10)
+ par(mfrow = c(1,3))
+ plot(t, S, type = "l", main = "Price of underlying")
+ plot(t[-length(t)], delta, type = "l", main = "Delta", xlab =
+ "t")
+ plot(t[-length(t)], call_ , type = "l", main = "Price of option",
+ xlab = "t")
+ }
+ }
> Price_simulation(100, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 100, 0.5, 1/250, plots = TRUE)
> cost_simulation = function(S0, mu, sigma, rf, K, Time, dt){
+ t <- seq(0, Time, by = dt)
+ N <- length(t)
+ W <- c(0,cumsum(rnorm(N-1)))
+ S <- S0*exp((mu-sigma^2/2)*t + sigma*sqrt(dt)*W)
+ delta <- rep(0, N-1)
+ call_ <- rep(0, N-1) for(i in 1:(N-1) ){
Error: unexpected 'for' in:
" delta <- rep(0, N-1)
call_ <- rep(0, N-1) for"
> delta[i] <- GBSGreeks("Delta", "c", S[i], K, Time-t[i], rf, rf, sigma)
Error in .GBSDelta(TypeFlag, S, X, Time, r, b, sigma) :
object 'S' not found
> call_[i] <- GBSOption("c", S[i], K, Time-t[i], rf, rf, sigma)@price
Error in GBSOption("c", S[i], K, Time - t[i], rf, rf, sigma) :
object 'S' not found
> }
Error: unexpected '}' in " }"
> call_price = GBSOption("c", 100, 100, 0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.3)@price
> A = rep(0, 1000)
> for (i in 1:1000){A[i] = cost_simulation(100, .20, .30,.05, 100, 0.5,1/52)}
Error in cost_simulation(100, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 100, 0.5, 1/52) :
could not find function "cost_simulation"
> cost_simulation = function(S0, mu, sigma, rf, K, Time, dt){
+ + t <- seq(0, Time, by = dt)
+ + N <- length(t)
+ + W <- c(0,cumsum(rnorm(N-1)))
+ + S <- S0*exp((mu-sigma^2/2)*t + sigma*sqrt(dt)*W)
+ + delta <- rep(0, N-1)
+ + call_ <- rep(0, N-1)}
> for(i in 1:(N-1) ){
+ delta[i] <- GBSGreeks("Delta", "c", S[i], K, Time-t[i], rf, rf, sigma)
+ call_[i] <- GBSOption("c", S[i], K, Time-t[i], rf, rf, sigma)@price
+ }
Error in N : object 'N' not found
> share_cost <- rep(0,N-1)
Error: object 'N' not found
> interest_cost <- rep(0,N-1)
Error: object 'N' not found
> total_cost <- rep(0, N-1)
Error: object 'N' not found
> share_cost[1] <- S[1]*delta[1]
Error: object 'S' not found
> interest_cost[1] <- (exp(rf*dt)-1) * share_cost[1]
Error in rf * dt : non-numeric argument to binary operator
> total_cost[1] <- share_cost[1] + interest_cost[1]
Error: object 'share_cost' not found
> for(i in 2:(N-1)){
+ share_cost[i] <- ( delta[i] - delta[i-1] ) * S[i]
+ interest_cost[i] <- ( total_cost[i-1] + share_cost[i] ) *
+ (exp(rf*dt)-1)
+ total_cost[i] <- total_cost[i-1] + interest_cost[i] + share_cost[i]
+ c = max( S[N] - K , 0)
+ cost = c - delta[N-1]*S[N] + total_cost[N-1]
+ return(cost*exp(-Time*rf))
+ }
Error in N : object 'N' not found
> cost_simulation = function(S0, mu, sigma, rf, K, Time, dt, periods){
+ t <- seq(0, Time, by = dt)
+ N <- length(t)
+ W = c(0,cumsum(rnorm(N-1)))
+ S <- S0*exp((mu-sigma^2/2)*t + sigma*sqrt(dt)*W)
+ SN = S[N]
+ delta <- rep(0, N-1)
+ call_ <- rep(0, N-1)
+ for(i in 1:(N-1) ){
+ delta[i] <- GBSGreeks("Delta", "c", S[i], K, Time-t[i], rf, rf, sigma)
+ call_[i] <- GBSOption("c", S[i], K, Time-t[i], rf, rf, sigma)@price
+ }
+ S = S[seq(1, N-1, by = periods)]
+ delta = delta[seq(1, N-1, by = periods)]
+ m = length(S)
+ share_cost <- rep(0,m)
+ interest_cost <- rep(0,m)
+ total_cost <- rep(0, m)
+ share_cost[1] <- S[1]*delta[1]
+ interest_cost[1] <- (exp(rf*dt*periods)-1) * share_cost[1]
+ total_cost[1] <- share_cost[1] + interest_cost[1]
+ for(i in 2:(m)){
+ share_cost[i] <- ( delta[i] - delta[i-1] ) * S[i]
+ interest_cost[i] <- ( total_cost[i-1] + share_cost[i] ) *
+ (exp(rf*dt*periods)-1)
+ total_cost[i] <- total_cost[i-1] + interest_cost[i] + share_cost[i]
+ }
+ c = max( SN - K , 0)
+ cost = c - delta[m]*SN + total_cost[m]
+ return(cost*exp(-Time*rf))
+ }
> par(mfrow = c(2,3))
> i = 0
> per = c(2,4,8,20,40,80)
> call_price = GBSOption("c", 100, 100, 0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.3)@price
> results = matrix(0, 6, 5)
> rownames(results) = c("1/2 days", "1 day", "2 days", "1 week", "2
+ weeks", "4 weeks")
> colnames(results) = c("E", "lower", "upper", "v", "ratio")
> for (j in per){
+ i = i+1
+ A = rep(0, 1000)
+ set.seed(10125987)
+ for (h in 1:1000){A[h] = cost_simulation(100, .20, .30,.05, 100,
+ 0.5, 1/1000,j)}
+ E = mean(A)
+ v = sd(A)
+ results[i, 1] = E
+ results[i, 2] = E-1.96*v/sqrt(1000)
+ results[i, 3] = E+1.96*v/sqrt(1000)
+ results[i, 4] = v
+ results[i, 5] = v/call_price
+ hist(A, freq = F, main = "", xlab = "", xlim = c(4,16), ylim =
+ c(0,0.8))
+ title(main = rownames(results)[i], sub = paste("E = ",round(E, 4)
+ ," sd = ",round(v, 4)))
+ curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(A), sd=sd(A)), col="darkblue", lwd=2,
+ add=TRUE, yaxt="n")
+ }